Friday, January 18, 2013

Reading in blinkers

That was one of my first reactions to reading on my Kindle Paperwhite which my husband gave me for my birthday in December. Given that I am thinking of making two of my Cassandra novels available as ebooks, it seemed time to try out the technology for myself. It has made me more conscious of the way that I read, which is not always in a strictly chronological order. Yes, that is the general thrust, I do (mostly) start at the beginning and go through to the end, but I tend to roam about, sometimes going back to remind myself about a character or something that has happened earlier in the novel, sometimes skipping forward a bit and then doubling back. It is not impossible to do this with a Kindle, but it is quite a bit harder. Reading something that has a fairly straightforward narrative arc, like many crime novels, is fine, but I wouldn't want to read War and Peace on a Kindle. The big read that my book group choses every year as an optional extra is currently Vasily Grossman's Life and Fate which is a hefty 855 pages. I have bought that as a proper book, because I will need to read it over a substantial period of time and will want to have it all at my fingertips all the time. Another thing: I hadn't fully appreciated how much I love books as physical objects, even when they are battered old paperbacks - sometimes especially when they are battered old paperbacks holding the memories of where I first read them or bought them. So is the Kindle the total washout that I thought it might be at first? No, I am using it, but mostly in bed and mostly for crime novels. It is going to be very useful for travelling,though what happens if it gets broken or stolen or lost? I just know it will be belt and braces for me and I shall be tucking in the odd paperback and World's Classic just in case. Speed of access is of course another advantage.The other day I wanted to read something by Washington Irving as reseach for something I'm writing. My first thought was the London Library, but then I saw that it was free to download - and I didn't have to wait for it to be posted out to me or pay for the postage. So, my Kindle is here to stay, but it won't be completely replacing the printed word for me, as it has for some of my friends. And it won't be replacing the London Library either.

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Blogger Sue Hepworth said...

Very interesting, and helpful.

Friday, 18 January, 2013  
Blogger lyn said...

I agree with you about ereaders Christine. I have one & I enjoy using it but it will never replace my physical books. I've just finished reading Fanny Burney's Camilla & it was great to be able to take the ereader to work for my lunchtime walk, coffee & read because it was a free dowenload & it's so light but I read my OUP edition at home. I'm part of a 19th century online bookgroup & we can now read much more obscure books because they're available as free downloads. But, as you say, flicking back & forth is difficult & I like being able to stick in post-it notes, especially if I'm going to be reviewing a book on my blog. I'm terrible at remembering character's names. On the other hand, I think it's a great idea to make your Cassandra books available as ebooks. Companies like Bloomsbury & Bello have done great things in making out of print books available again at a very reasonable price. I wouldn't have been able to easily read Martin Edwards's Devlin books or Ann Bridge's Julia Probyn series without ebooks.

Saturday, 19 January, 2013  
Blogger Christine said...

Lovely to hear from you both. Lyn, it hadn't occurred to me to have something both as an ebook and as a print copy, but if it is a free download, why not. I know and like Martin's books (he is a friend, but I haven't heard anything by Ann Bridge yet.

Saturday, 19 January, 2013  

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